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2019. 10- 2020 .10 美国 纽约城市大学,联合培养博士

2013.09-2020.12 永利集团3044am官方入口,果树专业博士

2009.09-2013.07 浙江农林大学,园艺专业学士


2021.07—至今 永利集团3044am官方入口,博士后




1. Kaijie Zhu, Xiongjie Zheng, Junli Ye, Yue Huang, Hongyan Chen, Xuehan Mei, Zongzhou Xie, Lixin Cao, Yunliu Zeng, Robert M Larkin, Qiang Xu, Estela Perez-Roman, Manuel Talón, Cecilia Zumajo-Cardona, Eleanore T Wurtzel*, Xiuxin Deng*.Regulation of carotenoid and chlorophyll pools in hesperidia, anatomically unique fruits found only inCitrus.Plant Physiology, 2021, 187(2): 829-845.

2. Kaijie Zhu, Quan Sun, Hongyan Chen, Xuehan Mei, Suwen Lu, Junli Ye, Lijun Chai, Qiang Xu, Xiuxin Deng*. Ethylene activation of carotenoid biosynthesis by a novel transcription factor CsERF061.Journal of Experimental Botany, 2021, 72(8): 3137-3154.

3. Kaijie Zhu, Xiongjie Zheng, Junli Ye, Qihang Jiang, Hongyan Chen, Xuehan Mei, Eleanore T. Wurtzel*, Xiuxin Deng*. Building the Synthetic Biology Toolbox with Enzyme Variants to Expand Opportunities for Biofortification of Provitamin A and Other Health-Promoting Carotenoids.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(43): 12048-12057.

4. Kaijie Zhu, Danni Yan, Yun Wang, Feng Zhu, Lixin Cao, Shunde Xiang, Yunliu Zeng, Lijun Chai, Yunjiang Cheng, Junli Ye, Xiuxin Deng.Chlorophyll retention reduces storability and pathogen defense in a novel citrus brown flavedo mutant.Postharvest Biology and Technology, 2022, 192,112006, ISSN 0925-5214, (

5. Kaijie Zhu1, Qingjiang Wu1, Yue Huang, Junli Ye, Qiang Xu, Xiuxin Deng*. Genome-wide characterization of cis-acting elements in the promoters of key carotenoid pathway genes from the main species of genus Citrus.Horticultural Plant Journal, 2020, 6(6):385-395.

6. Kaijie Zhu, Hongyan Chen, Yingzi Zhang, Yun Liu, Xiongjie Zheng, Juan Xu, Junli Ye, Xiuxin Deng*.Carotenoid extraction, detection, and analysis in citrus.Methods in Enzymology,2022,(

7. Xiongjie Zheng1,Kaijie Zhu1, Junli Ye, Elliott J. Price, Xiuxin Deng*, Paul D. Fraser*. The effect of β-cyclocitral treatment on the carotenoid content of transgenic Marsh grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) suspension-cultured cells.Phytochemistry, 2020, 180: 112509.

8. 朱凯杰,张哲惠,曹立新,向舜德,叶俊丽,谢宗周,柴利军,邓秀新.棕色晚熟脐橙新品种‘宗橙’.园艺学报:1-3. DOI:10.16420/j.issn.0513-353x.2022-0006.

9. 朱凯杰,姜启航,叶俊丽,徐强,邓秀新.柑橘滞绿基因STAY-GREEN的克隆及在果实转色过程中的功能分析.园艺学报增刊, 2017, 0513-353X.

10. 植物新品种权保护,品种名称:‘宗橙’,品种权人:永利集团3044am官方入口、秭归县柑桔良种繁育中心、秭归县归州镇农业技术服务中心;培育人:邓秀新、朱凯杰、曹立新、向舜德、胡开新、宋文化、马监生、叶俊丽、柴利军、程运江,品种权号:CNA20173246.5。申请日期:2017年11月24日,授权日期:2019年12月19日。证书号:2019014255.

11. 非主要农作物品种登记证书,品种名称:‘宗橙’,申请者:永利集团3044am官方入口、秭归县柑桔良种繁育中心;育种者:邓秀新、朱凯杰、叶俊丽、柴利军、程运江、曹立新、向舜德、胡开新、宋文化、马监生,登记编号:GPD柑橘(2022)420010。授权日期:2022年8月18日.

12. 邓秀新,郑雄杰,朱凯杰,汤雨晴,叶俊丽,曹洪波。多基因代谢工程构建的产生β-citraurinene的柑橘细胞及其应用。国家发明专利,专利权人:永利集团3044am官方入口,ZL 201810235041.7,申请日期2018.3.21,授权公告日:2020年6月30日,证书号:3867117.


1. Kaijie Zhu. The poster award at the 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Carotenoids in Maine, America, June 16-22, 2018.

2. 2020-2021学年度研究生优秀学位论文.